Software Engineer, AI and data science student

Mohamed Amine Fakhre-Eddine

Welcome to my digital realm! I'm a passionate and versatile 21-year-old software engineer, and AI & data science student known as Lonewolf who thrives on the fusion of creativity and technology. With a strong foundation in web, desktop, and mobile app development, I also harbor an insatiable curiosity for cybersecurity and robotics. Let's embark on a journey of innovation together.

About me

Greetings, I'm a technology enthusiast who ignited my love affair with the world of IT through the captivating lens of gaming. As a young and driven software engineer, I've journeyed from being an avid gamer to becoming a well-rounded developer in multiple domains of technology. From the early days of exploring PC intricacies as a gamer, I developed a natural inclination to delve deeper into the underlying mechanics of systems. This fascination led me to eagerly take apart structures to understand their inner workings and then reconstructing them. The joy derived from solving complex puzzles in games seamlessly transitioned to the exhilaration of cracking intricate problems in software development. My passion for challenge and innovation grew during high school, when I studied computer science and routinely finished at the top of my class. This educational foundation served as a stepping stone for my journey through a bachelor's program in Information Systems and Digital Transformation at the Faculty of science and technology - Settat . During my academic career, I gained theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience, which encouraged my desire to explore technology. I've completed a variety of projects that demonstrate my devotion. Crafting an ecommerce website allowed me to combine user-centered design with smooth functionality, and developing a mobile contacts app demonstrated my proficiency in mobile application development. However, my best achievement fully validated my academic abilities. In the field of vibration signal characterization and diagnostics , I delved into the complex world of industrial machinery, gaining insights that bridge the gap between theory and real-world application. Beyond characterization, we developed a deep learning model that predicts problems in industrial machinery , demonstrating my ability to combine AI/ML/DL concepts with practical problem-solving. In order to further explore the fields of machine learning, data analysis, and artificial intelligence, I'm also now working towards a Master's degree in AI and Data Science. I find myself constantly pulled to the ever-evolving boundaries of the IT world even with my broad skill set of web technologies, desktop apps, mobile applications, AI/ML/DL, and data science. I have an fascination for robotics and cybersecurity in addition to coding. My passion for exploring the possibilities of technology and my ability to solve problems creatively have been the foundation of my work identity.

Technical skills

Programming languages C, Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript
Machine learning / Deep learning Keras, Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib
Databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database + SQL Developer, SQLite
Web backend AdonisJS, Flask
Web frontend Svelte (Sveltekit), Astro, Tailwind, HTML/CSS
Version control Git
Mobile Native android development
BI / Data analysis MS Excel + @Risk, Power BI, KNIME
Project management Linear, MS project
Communication Arabic (Native proficiency), English (Professional working proficiency), French (Professional working proficiency), German (Limited working proficiency)


Faculty chatbot - Academic project

A chatbot for the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Tangier (FSTT) using a combination of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and fine-tuning techniques. The chatbot is designed to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses to a wide range of queries related to the academic environment at FSTT. The RAG technique is used to extract information from PDF files and generate responses based on the context derived from these embeddings. The fine-tuning process involves adapting pre-trained language models (Llama 3 8B instruct) to understand and generate text specific to the academic context of FSTT. The chatbot is integrated into a user-friendly interface that allows users to choose between the RAG and fine-tuned models based on their preferences or needs. It was developed using a wide range of tools and technologies, including Hugging Face, PyTorch, Kaggle, Google Colab, Unsloth, Langchain/Langserve, SvelteKit, ChromaDB, MongoDB, and Docker. The architecture of the chatbot consists of three Docker containers: the User Interface (UI) container, the API container, and the Model container. The chatbot is deployed using a MongoDB database to store app-specific data, such as conversations and history. Teck stack: Python, Hugging Face, PyTorch, Kaggle, Google Colab, Unsloth, Langchain/Langserve, SvelteKit, ChromaDB, MongoDB, Docker

Twitter sentiment analysis app - Academic project

Twitter Sentiment Analysis system that leverages a Kafka and Spark pipeline to ingest and analyze Twitter posts in real-time, providing instant sentiment predictions using a pre-trained logistic regression model with cross validation. The user-friendly web interface, developed with Svelte, allows users to initiate and view sentiment analysis jobs. A Flask-based RESTful API facilitates communication between the interface, the processing system, and a MongoDB database that stores prediction results. The entire system is containerized using Docker for seamless deployment and orchestration with Docker Compose, ensuring high portability and manageability. Teck stack: Python, Kafka, Spark, Svelte, Flask, MongoDB, Docker


Eghata is a transformative project designed to unite volunteers and individuals in need of assistance across Morocco. Building upon the existing Nt3awnou نتعاونو platform, Eghata focuses on aiding those impacted by crises, including the recent Moroccan earthquake and Libya floods. Our mission is to create an efficient hub for connecting volunteers with people seeking help throughout the country or the world. It was done with the leadership of my brother STORMIX, and the art direction of my brother MAADLOU. I was part of the first brainstorming and idea gathering, then contributed to the development of our UI, and API endpoints. This project I’m proud of the most because it reflects my commitment to leveraging technology for social impact and community support, and it was dedicated for our country. Teck stack: Typescript, React, AdonisJS, CapacitorJS, Redis, PostgreSQL, Tailwindcss

End-of-studies project - Academic project

In the Industry 4.0 context, this project focuses on using Python programming to extract temporal features from vibrational signals of rotating machinery. These features aid in fault detection without causing harm. The process encompasses data collection, feature extraction, and AI-based fault identification, enhancing predictive maintenance. Teck stack: Python, Keras, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, sklearn, Matplotlib

Data playground desktop - Academic project

Data playground is an academic project that facilitates access to the world of machine learning for non-computer scientists, empowering users to seamlessly upload, process, visualize, and save their data. The app offers comprehensive data manipulation features, including handling missing values, duplicates, outliers, and feature selection. It also enables users to explore their data through various plots, in addition, the user can easily partition for training and testing sets. At end, the app empowers users to train, test, and save machine learning models, providing a comprehensive solution for data exploration and analysis. Teck stack: Python, CustomTkinter, Tkinter, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, sklearn, Matplotlib

Mobile contacts app - Academic project

Android contacts app using Java and Android Studio. This app facilitates adding, updating, and deleting contacts, while also enabling seamless calling and messaging. Streamlining communication and organization for users on the go. Teck stack: Java, Android Studio

E-commerce website - Academic project

During my university's Web Development module, we created an E-commerce website as a learning project. We focused on user-friendly design and functionality, integrating features like product management, shopping cart. Teck stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP


Feel free to reach out on [email protected], I would love to hear from you, whether you have an interesting project in mind, a suggestion for a cooperation, or you just want to get in touch. Together we can bring your concepts to life. Your suggestions and comments are really helpful to me. eager to get in touch!